



Recent Maryland Business Reopening Guidelines

The past couple of weeks have been busy with new updates and adjustments to COVID-19 guidelines. Between adjustments to business operations, mask mandates, and vaccine updates, it can be tricky to remember what the next phase of our “new normal” looks like.

While the state of Maryland continues its pursuit back to normal, Worcester County Economic Development is here to keep you informed on the latest news from Governor Hogan, and what these changes mean for Worcester County businesses.

Lifted Mask Mandate

Starting May 15, Marylanders who are fully vaccinated are not required to wear a mask indoors. Required face coverings can still be mandated or requested by private businesses and workplaces.

Masks will still be required for:

  • Public Transportation
  • Schools
  • Child Care Settings
  • Health Care Facilities

Venue & Dining Guidelines

Effective May 15, indoor and outdoor venues as well as restaurants and bars, can resume operations as usual. Capacity restrictions are lifted on convention and entertainment venues, outdoor entertainment, arts, and sports venues. Remaining capacity and distancing restrictions are lifted for dining indoors and outdoors. Find more information here.

Vaccine Updates

The FDA and CDC have approved the COVID-19 Pfizer vaccine to be administered to Maryland adolescents between the ages of 12 and 15. Mass vaccination sites and pharmacies have the capability of providing the Pfizer vaccine to all who are eligible. Book a vaccine appointment online, or call Maryland’s COVID-19 Vaccination Support Center at 1-855-MD-GOVAX.

Stay safe and follow Worcester County Economic Development on Facebook for the latest news and updates.



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