

Businesses locating within an enterprise zone may be eligible for real property and state income tax credits. Upon application and approval, the zone offers a ten year credit against local real property taxes on a portion of real property improvements. Credit is 80% the first five years, and decreases 10% annually to 30 percent in the tenth and final year. The zone also offers a one time $1,000 credit per new worker on state income taxes. In Worcester, we have zones within Berlin, Snow Hill and Pocomoke regions.

The EZ program provides real property and state income tax credits for businesses located in a Maryland enterprise zone in return for job creation and investments. Businesses located in Focus Areas may be also qualified for personal property tax credits on new investment in personal property and enhanced income tax credit for creating new jobs. Click here.

Situated conveniently in the Mid-Atlantic region, Worcester County is readily accessible by road or air from most of the east coast of the United States. In fact it is an easy drive for one-third of the nations population!


Snow Hill
