Planning an

Agricultural Business

Planning an Agricultural Business

Agriculture and natural resources are essential to Maryland’s economy.  While Worcester County is the only Atlantic coastal county in Maryland, it covers approximately 303,920 acres of beautiful, vibrant land. Seventy one percent (71.8%) of the land is currently zoned for agriculture, encompassing 99,304 acres of farmland with the average farm size of 266 acres, currently homing 374 farm businesses

While history has shown that tobacco was the main crop produced in the county in earlier days, times have changed and turned towards grain crops and livestock grazing. Today, Worcester County ranks #2 in the state for broiler production while grain crops continue to be a mainstay


County Commissioners approved an Agritourism bill in 2022, which simply adds Worcester County to the list of jurisdictions in which farm structures used for agritourism activities would be exempt from certain requirements generally applied to a commercial building. This allows family farms to diversify and pull in additional revenue to keep their farms evolving, allowing locals and tourists more options to explore and experience all that our area has to provide 

Financial Incentives:

Dream-Plan-Implement! How to make your business venture come to fruition. 

Want to start a winery? Learn how here!

Grape Grower Workshops

Food processing represents a business opportunity for
Maryland farmers and entrepreneurs as it builds the state’s economy, creates
jobs, and gives consumers access to healthy foods. Processing guidelines

Beginning Farmers Resources:

Value Added Agriculture, professionals who support agricultural start ups and ensure viability of land and vitality of communities

Maryland Business Express – Resources to plan, start, manage and grow your business

Score – Offering business plan templates and courses with startup basics

Maryland Farm Bureau – Aims to protect and grow Maryland agriculture and preserve rural life

Property Ownership & Real Estate:

Property Ownership and Transferring Are Important Features of Your Farm Succession Plan – Learn more about ownership here

Find land to start up your agriculture business: 

– Jay Phillips

– Land Watch

– Land & Farm

County Farms- 374     Farm Acres- 99,304    Top Producers: Poultry, Grains and Vegetables

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