



COVID-19 Updates March 2021

Have you heard about the new COVID-19 updates for March 2021? Announced by Governor Larry Hogan, this is big news for Worcester County is another step of progress for the state. You might be thinking, what does this mean for my business? Don’t worry! We’ve got you covered with all of the latest updates you need to know.

Protocols Effective as of March 12 at 5PM

Capacity Limits Lifted: Governor Hogan has lifted capacity limits on retail businesses, indoor and outdoor dining at restaurants and bars, religious facilities, fitness centers, indoor recreational establishments, casinos, and personal services.

Operate at 50% Capacity: With the difficulties that larger indoor and outdoor venues have faced during the pandemic, the green light to operate at 50% capacity is a hopeful step. This category includes concert, sporting, wedding, convention, and outdoor entertainment venues, as well as racing facilities and theaters.

Lifted Quarantine Requirements: While the travel advisory remains in place, the required quarantine period for out-of-state travel has been lifted. If you do travel, it’s encouraged that Marylanders get tested for COVID-19 when they are back.

Medical Adult Day Care Centers: Facilities capable of setting appropriate restrictions and safety measures may reopen.

While this is promising news, remember that statewide masking is still in effect, and social distancing will need to be in place at these establishments. Other safety protocols and cleaning procedures will also still be implemented to keep us safe moving forward. View new guidance for cleaning and disinfecting public spaces, workplaces, businesses, schools, and homes.

Maryland COVID-19 Vaccination Plan

The state of Maryland has begun phased COVID-19 vaccinations. To see if you or a loved one is eligible for the vaccine during the current phase, click here. For more information about the COVID-19 vaccine and the state of Maryland implementation, utilize the resources provided here.

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