

Arts & Creative Services

Ann Coates, Owner

Bishop's Stock, Snow Hill

Since 2003, Worcester-County native Ann Coates has owned and operated one of the region’s most highly acclaimed art galleries. Bishop’s Stock – named for ancestor Henry Bishop who settled in Maryland in the 1640’s – has been an anchor tenant of Snow Hill’s A&E district. The light-filled space invites visitors to browse their collections and watch artists at work. Recognizing her customer’s affinity for fine art and good wine, Ann expanded the gallery in 2010 to include a wine shop.

From magnificent oil paintings and sculpture to woven wearable art, jewelry and hand-painted cards, the gallery represents both nationally renowned and emerging artists. Maryland’s distinctive arts district designation recognizes the economic and entrepreneurial culture that creative enterprises like Bishop’s Stock bring to a community.

Bishop’s Stock

202 W Green St, Snow Hill, MD 21863